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Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: https://tede.ufam.edu.br/handle/tede/7318
???metadata.dc.type???: Dissertação
Title: Caracterização do desempenho escolar de crianças com provável transtorno do desenvolvimento da coordenação
Other Titles: School performance characterization of children with probable developmental coordination disorder
???metadata.dc.creator???: Rodrigues, Renan dos Santos 
???metadata.dc.contributor.advisor1???: Ferreira, Lúcio Fernandes
???metadata.dc.contributor.referee1???: Martins, Clarice Maria de Lucena
???metadata.dc.contributor.referee2???: Saraiva, Emerson Sandro Silva
???metadata.dc.description.resumo???: A escola inclusiva assegura o acesso e a permanência dos alunos, independentemente das suas necessidades educacionais, sejam elas, cognitivas, sensoriais e ou motoras. Nosso objetivo foi caracterizar o desempenho escolar de crianças identificadas com pTDC no contexto amazônico e na perspectiva da educação inclusiva. Trata-se de estudo retrospectivo do tipo descritivo com característica transversal. Participaram 54 crianças previamente identificadas com pTDC, sendo 24 meninas e 30 meninos, entre 8 e 12 anos de idade, provenientes de dezenove (19) escolas do ensino fundamental I e II da educação básica da rede municipal e estadual de ensino da cidade de Manaus-AM. Os dados foram coletados por meio do Teste de Desempenho Escolar (TDE). Os resultados mostraram que no subteste de Leitura 38 (70,37%) crianças apresentaram desempenho igual ou menor que o médio inferior e 16 (29,63%) desempenho igual ou acima da média. Na Escrita 45 crianças (83,33%) apresentaram desempenho inferior e apenas 7 (11,11%) tiveram desempenho igual ou acima da média. Na Aritmética, 27 crianças (50%) mostraram desempenho igual ou inferior à média e 27 crianças (50%) da média para acima. No desempenho geral identificamos 37 crianças (68,52%) com desempenho inferior à média para o ano escolar, 13 crianças (24,07%) com desempenho mediano e somente 4 (7,40%) com desempenho acima da média. Concluímos assim que, grande parte das crianças com pTDC apresentam prejuízos em seu desempenho escolar afetando diretamente as habilidades de leitura, escrita e aritmética. Acreditamos ser fundamental a caracterização do desempenho escolar e o reconhecimento de crianças com pTDC no ambiente escolar, visto que, é neste ambiente que elas passam a maior parte do seu dia interagindo com seus pares. Por outro lado, o desconhecimento e a negligência no cuidado com esse público, conduz à exclusão e, posteriormente, à autoexclusão de atividades escolares cruciais para seu desenvolvimento pleno. Portanto, considerando a realidade no contexto amazônico, reiteramos a essencialidade em incluir as crianças com pTDC, proporcionando um ambiente que atenda às suas necessidades educacionais, para que suas diferenças sejam respeitadas e, por meio de novas metodologias e recursos diferenciados, possam alcançar suas metas escolares, concernindo em uma inclusão educacional. Palavras-chave: Transtorno do Desenvolvimento da Coordenação. Desempenho escolar. Educação Inclusiva. Contexto Amazônico.
Abstract: The inclusive school ensures access and retention of students, regardless of their educational needs, either, cognitive, and sensory or motor. Our objective was to characterize the academic performance of children identified with pDCD in the Amazon region and in view of inclusive education. It is a retrospective study with cross descriptive characteristic. Participated 54 children previously identified with probable Developmental Coordination Disorde (pDCD), 24 girls and 30 boys between 8 and 12 years old, from nineteen (19) elementary schools I and II of basic education Manaus city schools in the municipal and state -AM. Data were collected through the Academic Performance Test (APT). The results showed that the subtest Reading 38 (70, 37%) children showed performance equal or less than the average low and 16 (29.63%) performance equal to or above average. Writing in 45 children (83.33%) had lower performance and only 7 (11.11%) had equal or above average performance. In Arithmetic, 27 children (50%) showed performance equal to or lower than average and 27 infants (50%) of the average to above. Overall performance identified 37 children (68.52%) and underperformed the average for the school year, 13 children (24.07%) with average performance and only 4 (7.40%) with above average performance. We conclude that, most children with pDCD have impairments in their school performance directly affects the skills of reading, writing and arithmetic. We believe it is fundamental to identify the academic performance and recognition of children pDCD in the school environment, since it is in this environment that they spend most of their day interacting with their peers. On the other hand, ignorance and neglect in caring for this population, leads to exclusion and, later, the self-exclusion crucial school activities for their full development. Therefore, considering the reality in the Amazonian context, we reiterate the essential to include children with pDCD by providing an environment that meets their educational needs so that their differences are respected and through new methodologies and different resources, can achieve their goals school, concernindo in an educational inclusion. It is in this environment that they spend most of their day interacting with their peers. On the other hand, ignorance and neglect in caring for this population, leads to exclusion and, later, the self-exclusion crucial school activities for their full development. Therefore, considering the reality in the Amazonian context, we reiterate the essential to include children with pDCD by providing an environment that meets their educational needs so that their differences are respected and through new methodologies and different resources, can achieve their goals school, concernindo in an educational inclusion. It is in this environment that they spend most of their day interacting with their peers. On the other hand, ignorance and neglect in caring for this population, leads to exclusion and, later, the self-exclusion crucial school activities for their full development. Therefore, considering the reality in the Amazonian context, we reiterate the essential to include children with pDCD by providing an environment that meets their educational needs so that their differences are respected and through new methodologies and different resources, can achieve their goals school, concernindo in an educational inclusion. the self-exclusion crucial school activities for their full development. Therefore, considering the reality in the Amazonian context, we reiterate the essential to include children with pDCD by providing an environment that meets their educational needs so that their differences are respected and through new methodologies and different resources, can achieve their goals school, concernindo in an educational inclusion. the self-exclusion crucial school activities for their full development. Therefore, considering the reality in the Amazonian context, we reiterate the essential to include children with pDCD by providing an environment that meets their educational needs so that their differences are respected and through new methodologies and different resources, can achieve their goals school, concernindo in an educational inclusion. Key words: Developmental Coordination Disorder. School performance. Inclusive education. Amazon context.
Keywords: Educação inclusiva - Manaus (AM)
Rendimento escolar
???metadata.dc.subject.cnpq???: CIÊNCIAS HUMANAS: EDUCAÇÃO
???metadata.dc.subject.user???: Transtorno do desenvolvimento da coordenação
Desempenho escolar
Educação Inclusiva
Contexto amazônico
Language: por
???metadata.dc.publisher.country???: Brasil
Publisher: Universidade Federal do Amazonas
???metadata.dc.publisher.initials???: UFAM
???metadata.dc.publisher.department???: Faculdade de Educação
???metadata.dc.publisher.program???: Programa de Pós-graduação em Educação
Citation: RODRIGUES, Renan dos Santos. Caracterização do desempenho escolar de crianças com provável transtorno do desenvolvimento da coordenação. 2019. 113 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação) - Universidade Federal do Amazonas, Manaus, 2019.
???metadata.dc.rights???: Acesso Aberto
URI: https://tede.ufam.edu.br/handle/tede/7318
Issue Date: 6-Jun-2019
Appears in Collections:Mestrado em Educação

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